

Directions for use and important user information

  1. The material is harmless to birds, bees, animals and the environment when used in accordance with the directions on the label.
  2. Apply only when diluted with water in accordance with directions.
  3. Store product under cover, away from extremes of temperature.
  4. Material may expand under high temperatures and cause leakage.
  5. Contents may settle, be sure to stir, agitate or shake, to mix contents before use.
  6. Do not contaminate contents with water, dirty utensils or foreign matter.
  7. Replace lid carefully after use, to protect contents.
  8. Do not store material that has been mixed with water, it will not keep.
  9. Very fine filters may need to be removed before use. Material has been screened through 60 mesh. Maximum particle size should be less than 100 microns (0.25mm). GROBEST FH100 is a predictable and safe fertilizer.
Dilution with water is usually recommended to be 1:200

The following are the equivalent dilutions at various quantities:
• One teaspoon (5ml) with 1 litre of water
• Four teaspoons (20ml) with 4 litres of water
• Six tablespoons (100ml) with 20 litres of water
• One litre with 200 litres of water


Seed germination, seedling transplants, repotting, planting out of all young plants, cuttings, trees, shrubs etc. Mix GROBEST FH100 with water, as a 1:200 dilution and use as the watering fluid on seed beds when seeds are sown, and then repeat every seven days. Seedlings may be soaked overnight in a 1:200 dilution prior to transplanting. Use any remaining dilution to water in the seedlings after transplant. Whenever repotting, or transplanting, use a 1:200 dilution to water the plants around the root zone as well as over the foliage.


Flowers, palms, tomatoes, shrubs, green vegetables, root vegetables, fruit trees or vines, house or container plants, lawn etc.  Mix GROBEST FH100 with water, as a 1:200 dilution and use as the watering fluid around the root zone and foliage, weekly during periods of rapid growth or immediately after plants suffer stress, and at intervals of up to four weeks at other times. May also be used as a foliar spray, be sure to spray to the drip point. May be used with plant protection chemicals.


Avocados, berryfruit, citrus, grapes, pipfruit, stonefruit, nuts etc.  Apply 1 - 3 applications per year of 10 - 20 litres per hectare into a convenient amount of water, to the surrounding soil. Whenever crop or plant protection chemicals are sprayed, add GROBEST FH100 as the last ingredient to the spray tank at a 1:200 dilution or 2 - 7.5 litres per hectare. See caution below.


Tomatoes, beans, cucumber, lettuce, capsicum, flowers, etc. Use the 1:200 dilution as the watering fluid weekly or add to the spray tank as the last ingredient, with crop protection chemicals and spray to the drip point. See caution below. Into fertigation or liquid feed systems as a booster, add GROBEST FH100 to the chemical liquid feed concentrate tank at the rate of 1 litre of GROBEST FH100 per 150 litres of liquid feed concentrate.

Broadacre Crops

Cotton, maize, corn, sorghum, rape, wheat, barley, tomatoes, etc. As a booster, or to address limiting factors or stress, add GROBEST FH100 to the spray tank at 1 - 5 litres per hectare. DO NOT exceed a dilution of greater than 1:100. Add to the spray tank as the last ingredient whenever crop or plant protection chemicals are applied. See caution below.

Pasture : Sheep & Beef

Apply 10 - 20 litres per hectare in spring or autumn, in whatever amount of water is convenient to ensure coverage of required amount of GROBEST FH100 per hectare. This means that the dilution rate can be varied to suit the speed, swath  width and spray rate of the application equipment. Groundspray equipment may use a dilution between 1:10 and 1:50. Airborne rotary or fixed wing equipment may use a dilution down to 1:1. The more water the better. GROBEST FH100 may be applied during rain without loss due to leaching or runoff.

Pasture : Dairy

Apply 15 - 25 litres -per hectare twice per year, in spring and autumn. Dilute in whatever amount of water is required to ensure coverage of the required amount of GROBEST FH100 per hectare. Dilution can be varied to suit the application equipment. For groundspray, dilution may be between 1:10 and 1:50 as convenient. For airborne equipment, a dilution down to 1: with water may be used as convenient. The more water the better. The Product may be applied during rain without loss due to leaching or runoff.

Hydroponics or Fertigation

Product may be used on its own as the prime source of nutrients. In this case, charge the diluter or feed tank with a 1:10 dilution and adjust the feed rate to achieve the desired CF (conductivity factor). Note: A 1:200 dilution of concentrate in water will yield a CF of about 20. Alternatively add Product into the 'B' feed tank as a booster at the rate of 1 litre to 150 litres of concentrate.

With Herbicides, Weed Spray Chemicals

Add Product to the spray tank at 1:200 as the last ingredient, to help the uptake and efficacy of herbicides/weed sprays into target plants and act as a sticker/spreader. When using selective herbicides it will help non-target plants to recover from the stress of the spray. Do a compatibility test first.


Check for chemical mix compatibility first, by mixing up a small sample quantity in the same ratio as it is intended to be used. If the samples mix with no difficulties, then spray onto a sacrificial plant or branch to identify any adverse effects, before widespread use on plants, trees, crops, etc. To date we have identified NO incompatabilities in laboratory tests. However the variables on form include water quality, changing or new chemical formulations and mixtures of chemicals. Be sure to do the test first.

Grobest FH100

Grobest FH100 is available in:
1Ltr, 5Ltr, 25Ltr & 1000 Ltr flowbins.